January 9th, 2024

Con­necti­vity Stan­dards Alli­an­ce Awards DSR Cor­po­rati­on's ZBOSS with Gol­den Unit Desig­na­ti­on for Zig­bee PRO 2023 Solu­ti­on

Connectivity Standards Alliance Awards DSR Corporation's ZBOSS with Golden Unit Designation for Zigbee PRO 2023 Solution

Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) awards Golden Unit (GU) designation to DSR Corporation's (DSR) Zigbee software protocol stack, ZBOSS 4.0, designed for Zigbee PRO 2023. ZBOSS 4.0 is based on DSR's industry-leading ZBOSS Zigbee stack and supports all mandatory and optional features introduced by Zigbee PRO 2023. 

The new Zigbee PRO 2023 standard brings many new features to the core of Zigbee and furthers security and interoperability across diverse platforms for residential, commercial and industrial IoT applications. DSR’s ZBOSS 4.0 fully supports the latest version of Zigbee protocol, is certified Zigbee compliant and as a Golden Unit, it is recognized as a leading reference implementation at testing houses during the product certification process. Specifically, ZBOSS 4.0 plays a critical role in evaluating the expected behavior of the device under test (DUT) through rigorous testing, assessing interoperability and confirming conformance to specifications.

To be awarded GU designation, CSA requires developers of GU products and platforms to be actively involved in development of the standard and to participate in rigorous interoperability testing for vendor-neutral environments, ensuring interoperability and security of platforms and devices in the ecosystem. A platform must meet a series of requirements to be eligible for GU status, including achieving and maintaining standard certification, supporting all features, roles and operations and providing support and documentation to test houses.


ZBOSS is DSR’s cross-platform, high-performance Zigbee software protocol stack that enables chip and product manufacturers to overcome the challenges of interoperability, porting, customization, testing and optimizing Zigbee solutions. ZBOSS 4.0 fully implements Zigbee PRO 2023 and is an easy way to get started with this latest release. ZBOSS supports over 25 platforms, standardizing the stack across different hardware, comes with a complete suite of tools to simplify development, and includes continuous integration/continuous delivery to shorten time for testing and certification. ZBOSS is available through the ZBOSS Open Initiative (ZOI), a community of companies with a goal of overcoming the challenges around interoperability, security, testing, and optimization of Zigbee®-enabled products and solutions.  

To learn more about ZBOSS, please visit: https://dsr-iot.com/solutions/zboss/

To learn more about ZOI, please visit https://www.dsr-zoi.com

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